MESHES: Notes on cinema and visual culture
Read the zine at WIFSE15 (PDF download)
MESHES: Transatlantic rambles about film
Meshes was a printed zine (2018, one issue) and podcast project (2021-2022, six episodes) by contributors and hosts Tracey Francis of WIFSE15 (London, England) and Kyna Morgan of Her Film Project (Indiana, U.S.). Named in honor of the landmark experimental film Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) by Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid. This film contextualises the interiority of a woman and Deren's approach to filmmaking reflects the wide spectrum of moving image culture and polyvisual representations we explored. The aim of this project was to be part of the global conversation about narratives that explore diversity in film, to discover and promote women's film history, and to create a proliferation of conversations around film and moving image narrative, structure, and process.